martes, 19 de febrero de 2019


UDI 4: TRAVELLERS (11th March- 3rd May)

These are the contents you will work on during UDI 4:
  • Typical everyday activities
  • A photo wall
  • Questions and answers (5w´s)
  • Story time
  • Past tense (including some irregular verbs)
  • Read and listen about past times
  • Grandparents or parents interview
  • There is / there are (some, any)
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Shopping list
The final mark for this UDI will depend on: your work in class, to bring your homework on time and carefully done, the photo wall made with your partner, your notebook, your grandparents/parents interview,  worksheets, your shopping list, your speaking during all activities in class and finally, any other written test you might have to do (said in advanced)
Estos son los contenidos que trabajaréis durante la UDI4:
  • Típicas actividades diarias
  • Un mural con fotos 
  • Preguntas y respuestas
  • Historia
  • El pasado simple (incluyendo algunos verbos irregulares)
  • Leer y escuchar sobre tiempos pasados
  • Entrevista a abuelos o padres
  • There is/ there are (some, any)
  • Frutas y vegetales
  • La lista de la compra
 La nota final de esta UDI dependerá de: tu trabajo en clase, traer la tarea a tiempo y hecha con cuidado, el mural de fotos que harás con un compañero, tu cuaderno, la entrevista a tus abuelos o padres, fichas, tu lista de la compra, tu práctica de inglés hablado durante todas las actividades de clase y finalmente, cualquier otro examen que podrías tener avisado con suficiente antelación. 

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

Test training

1: UNSCRAMBLE THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONS:                                                                                                           

1 – EEEINNGR_________________________________2- OACCH__________________________

3 – FFIIEERRGHT _____________________________4 – AIETWR ________________________

5 – YSPOCHOLTSIG____________________________

2: Underline if the sentence is RIGHT OR WRONG . IF IT IS WRONG, WRITE THE CORRECT FORM                

1-       Was you born in Almeria? ( RIGHT / WRONG) ________________________________________________________________________________

2-      They wereno´t at school last week (RIGHT / WRONG) ________________________________________________________________________________

3-      Were not we born in 2006, were we born in 2007 (RIGHT / WRONG) _________________________________________________________________________________

4-      You were at the party on Sunday evening? (RIGHT/ WRONG)

5-      She were born in the same city as me. (RIGHT / WRONG )

3: Transform the sentence into the form in brackets:                                                                             

1-      Were you at the party last weekend? (negative)_________________________________________________________________________
2-      She wasn´t happy with her friends (interrogative)____________________________________________________________________
3-      Were they at school in summer?  (affirmative)_______________________________________________________________________

4-      We weren´t at home when you called (affirmative)_______________________________________________________________________
5-      It was a wonderful day at the mountains (negative)_________________________________________________________________________

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

TEST 11TH February

Dear children,

The test has got 3 parts plus a final voluntary short writing:
1- unscramble exercise of 5 professions. Example: TWIAER = WAITER

2- 5 sentences in past of be: you will have to say if they are correct or incorrect and if the sentence is incorrect, write the correct form. Example: 
       You was born in 1974 (incorrect) -  You WERE born in 1974

3- 5 sentences to be transformed into afirmative, interrogative or negative. Example:
       You were at the movies last Saturday (interrogative)
        Were you at the movies last Saturday?  

4- VOLUNTARY: Write about your childhood (when you were in year1 for example): when and where you were born, what you liked doing, why you liked that, who was your favourite toy, cartoon, friend, etc. If you don´t remember, you can make it up.

Queridos niños,

La prueba tiene 3 partes más una parte final voluntaria de un breve ejercicio de escribir:

1- pon en el correcto orden las letras para formar 5 profesiones. Ejemplo: TWIAER= WAITER

2- 5 frases en el pasado del verbo "be": tendrás que decir si es correcta o incorrecta. En el caso de incorrecta, deberás reescribir la frase corregida para hacerla correcta. Ejemplo :
         You was born in 1974 (incorrecta) - You WERE born in 1974

3- 5 frases para transformarlas en afirmativa, interrogativa o negativa. Ejemplo:
       You were at the movies last Saturday (interrogativa)
        Were you at the movies last Saturday?  

4- Escribe sobre tu niñez (cuando estabas en 1º de primaria por ejemplo): cuándo y dónde naciste, qué te gustaba hacer, por qué te gustaba eso, cuál era tu juguete favorito, dibujo animado, quién era tu amigo favorito, etc. Si no te acuerdas, te lo puedes inventar.